Magazine & Opportunities

Magazine & Opportunities

Thursday, 3 September 2015

All the info in one place

Private Tuition, Over-8s ChildCare, Virtual and Real Assistant - Freelance work and Direct Sales small business.

Focusing on Tuition in 2015-16 for the New A Level Linear Examinations in particular.

There's a 'real' website in progress!

There are lot's of online registrations with online agencies and other info and more evolving.

More importantly for students there is a resource wordpress and a twitter with Academic info - see  for resources and student info.   for Twitter  for Facebook

All the info and links are in  one place and included as posts on the bloglink below.

The web-blog one you are viewing is primarily for buying tuition AND the other strands of the small business such as Freelancing. (see the About Page)

The Tuition links are under QAAWyrd Tuition and focus mostly on the Nottingham, East Midlands, UK are but it is possible to have online tuition from any area.

5th September 2015

Consider this collection of web-blogs and online agency links and profiles as a kind of Personal Intranet (there is one at for various aspects of a small business.  

There's an ongoing diary of how the small business is evovlving (with a click through link for how the big websites looked when they started - Facebook etc).  

Of course bookmarks or bookmark websites would sufice and Peartrees is a particularly good one. 

Pearltree bookmark collections can also be shared.

Pinterest Boards are cool, Bag It sites are cool, Flip Books and e-book creation sites are cool - Web Art collections, photo collections - you name it you can take it everywhere with one link.

The web-blog system however works best with older mobile phones and their displays.

More than one web-blog allows us to focus on different 'audiences' while a design for a 'real' website is decided upon.

A Rubric in the Middle Ages was a paragraph in an Illuminated Manuscript written in Red Ink to show it's importance.

Local College Update News:-
Locally the last of the two big City Colleges are merging - and redundancies may happen.  Chances of Full-Part Time or Hourly work, other than Supply Contracts in Schools are less likely. Sept 2015. This is at a time when Students are expected to stay in Education to Age 18,

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Profiles are online - sadly they don't have colourful widgets!

Profiles, Referenced and Checked at:-

Child Care UK, Child Care, First Tutors,,, People Per Hour

Also on Spotted Wollaton Facebook shortly.

Please Contact Directly or via one of the Profiles by searching for the NG8 Postcode.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Linking to One Nottingham Initiatives

QAA-Confidence is attempting to fit in with the Nottingham City Council and One Nottingham Initiatives and Plan towards 2020.


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Graduations, Plans

Twitter List with E&W Mids and S Yorks Uni's

There's lots of Graduations this week all around the Midlands (all of the UK too) - Congratulations!

First and Second Years, people with re-takes to complete - what about engaging a local Private Tutor?!/wollaton_nottm/colleges-mids-yorks-uni-s

Young Enterprise

Young Enterprise » National Unemployment Day

July 20th 2015

Surprising info from Employers on the Skills and Competences of Young Workers?

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

A Very Small Micro Company

That's truly based on income generation in a very micro way but hopefully significant enough to be able to move in and out of Temporary, Contract, Seasonal and Supply work with just enough to avoid sinking.

The main focus being the Amway Direct Sales in Holiday times (as well as over 8s Child Care) and Amway and Tuition in the Term Times.

It's not possible to use the Amway information further on this blog-website as the Direct Sales Business, being part of a very large Company has to stay distinct.  In the days of dodgy Internet info that's fair and reasonable.

Link to the Sales page as soon as permission is grante.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Even Community Centres have to Comply with Risk Assessments and Create Policies for legal reasons.

Community Centre Management and Charitable Trust Company information processing through Constitutions is not a simple matter but they need a variety of Policies and Risk Assessments to comply with Statute Law. Companies are similar but are able to make a profit. Keeping Up to date with changes can be time consuming and challenging.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

ISO Standards weblink

Invaluable Uni Research Info Weblink

Computer Savvy? Not all Young People are as Up to Date as Perceived!

Its ok to carry-on learning at any age!

ECDL Foundation

Gov UK Childcare Link. Caring for Over8's Registration is Voluntary, Under 8s is Mandatory.

Twitter Lists!

Accessing this info is possible if your own Twitter Account is already on your browser and signed in with your Password!

Setting up a Twitter Account is simple just use your email address and make sure that you can receive and verify the confirmation of their Registration email!

The link won't work if you don't have a Twitter Account!

You can then access all kinds of Twitter Info!

Wollaton_Nottm, days list - ideas of places to visit locally!!/wollaton_nottm/days

A tad out of Date, but Craft and Interest in Online Creative Projects are soon updated

Green Info Possibilities

Re-visiting Specifications for September

Starting up again

The Theme's a tad where we're feeling at the moment! After working for no pay for a Community Placement ( ) in a not too bad Community Centre sorting social media and emails (ex Executive Secretary mode unimpressed with the no pay!) it was off to a Coffee Bar as an Assistant in a cool location for what was hoped to be a lengthy stay despite the advertising stating 12 weeks temporary - and of course it really was temporary and as such has left an urgent need to revisit being Self Employed. QAAWyrd is a small business that was created in 2007 to focus on qualifications and skills and competences that were not being utilised as a teacher and it had an existence at Vistaprint and also in the real 3dimensional world as a small self employed Tutoring Business which was reasonably successful although personal family committments had to come first. The Vistaprint website had to go for pay per click reasons which could have resulted in a huge bill, and the resulting wordpress for is being reconstructed as it had to change name and the process hasn't completed yet. An Excel file is ready to show the different strands of QAA-Confidence, and the means to bring in an income will hopefully be helped by moving the focus of any online information to blogger. This phase of self employment is setting out a strategy to boost confidence in the local community using tuition, virtual assistant processing data and emails, online magazines and over 8s childcare during the school holidays - to help parents or a lone parent and emerging business particularly with green tourism - and advertise local business. Lots of luck is needed.