Info - Aim Higher Communities - Mini Lifestyle Companies - a short update.
Our Local Authority Education seeks to improve Local Education Results and Micro Business Startups are part of the future for many of today's students.
There are huge changes in the GCSE and A Level Business Studies Examination Board specifications and qualifications and Teachers and Tutors have to keep up to date.
In Business Studies A Level the latest topic is Enterprise and Case Studies and Assessment are replaced with Linear (two year study and examinations at the end) syllabus.
It is proven that students who have inputs from Mentors or are in families where there is a tradition of either, a) Self Employment with Skills or b) parents or other family members have already been to University and are qualified are more likely to succeed.
Its a concept 'thing' of where we perceive ourselves and our families are likely to be which may be more a more powerful message to the next generation - who need the permission to to acquire a long term higher income either by Qualification or by Skill e.g. to be a Builder or an Architect, an Office Worker or a Designer. A General Worker or a Specialist. There are so many courses at colleges and universities and apprenticeships - and some tuition can help achieve a place.
Its a concept 'thing' of where we perceive ourselves and our families are likely to be which may be more a more powerful message to the next generation - who need the permission to to acquire a long term higher income either by Qualification or by Skill e.g. to be a Builder or an Architect, an Office Worker or a Designer. A General Worker or a Specialist. There are so many courses at colleges and universities and apprenticeships - and some tuition can help achieve a place.
If our Students from less financially secure areas (as the East Midlands is considered to be - where most families are not Investors and are not living on Independent means but are dependent on salaried work - or even benefits in-between working and career options) have to rely on these Education and Skills to bring them success in life they deserve the best springboard into whatever area they choose.
Inheriting from property in this locale will not be sufficient to provide a lifetimes income. This is not so in other areas and 'we' as an area, may be perceived as a community reliant on Rents and Mortgages - which is a contrary viewpoint to some of the higher 'classes' in society and may result in our Students not being as welcome in some Universities. The Wealthy North East, The Home Counties etc.
Inheriting from property in this locale will not be sufficient to provide a lifetimes income. This is not so in other areas and 'we' as an area, may be perceived as a community reliant on Rents and Mortgages - which is a contrary viewpoint to some of the higher 'classes' in society and may result in our Students not being as welcome in some Universities. The Wealthy North East, The Home Counties etc.
Our Younger Generations are competing with the more wealthy in our Society on less equal terms. Private Tuition can help, particularly when it comes to College or University Interviews, having a personal tutor shows a level of comittment.
We do not wish our Young People in Nottingham to have to become second best - we have a long tradition of very lucrative companies i.e. Players, Raleigh, Boots, Plessey etc plus we have the potential to attract sound employers with our expertise, skills and knowledge. Qualifications will not deter good quality Employers. The New Creative Quarter and our Bio City give us the edge in the 21st Century.
Lifestyle Business Strands:-
The QAAWyrd Tuition micro business wants to support students who want excellent grades to go to quality Universities, support students who seek help in their studies up to age 18 should they require Tuition (individually or in a small group) and tutor Key Skills for those working to acquire a skill and need the basics too.
There is a dedicated website and links to online and offline Tuition Agencies for Student referrals, First Tutors and Derbyshire Tutors are two of those at present. Child Care UK also has a Tuition search.
There is a dedicated website and links to online and offline Tuition Agencies for Student referrals, First Tutors and Derbyshire Tutors are two of those at present. Child Care UK also has a Tuition search.
The Virtual Assistant component is available for one or two micro companies at a time to assist their small business start-up with expertise and office skills from years of experience, for example - exceptionally fast and accurate Word Processing and other Microsoft Office Skills, together with the ability to design and create basic Social Media and some basic Designs and also to maintain those Social Media accounts.
Work currently comes from online Agencies -, and People Per Hour. For Designs there are considerations around image creation (needs checking for similarities for example) amongst other criteria and a local Companies Software Programmes are used with original components. This can be a global market and it would be cool to see more local small companies using the facility - maybe even make a small agency via qaa-confidence.
Research Info gathering and inputs are also included particularly Green Environment Issues.
Work currently comes from online Agencies -, and People Per Hour. For Designs there are considerations around image creation (needs checking for similarities for example) amongst other criteria and a local Companies Software Programmes are used with original components. This can be a global market and it would be cool to see more local small companies using the facility - maybe even make a small agency via qaa-confidence.
Research Info gathering and inputs are also included particularly Green Environment Issues.
The Child Care Over8s focus wants to work with a family who need childcare for the holiday periods who would otherwise not be able to work or short after school care - Either a one or two parent family, who would like an over 8 carer to successfully survive the School holidays or terms for a reasonable fee. Registrations have been made online with both Child Care UK and Care UK.
Direct Sales - to work a large Global Company and focus on one or two products and hopefully have a sales team of Sole Trader Business Owners to avoid that awful out of work depression, its not guaranteed to make lots of commission but it really could be a step in the right direction instead of the downward spiral of some elements of job seeking.
Direct Sales - to work a large Global Company and focus on one or two products and hopefully have a sales team of Sole Trader Business Owners to avoid that awful out of work depression, its not guaranteed to make lots of commission but it really could be a step in the right direction instead of the downward spiral of some elements of job seeking.
The philosophy is to be able to become financially Independent and stay Independent and work in this way with the Community - and build online sites that will create an income.
For the Local Business and Tourism websites and twitter (more information later) Donations are welcome and also from anyone who wishes to support the Aim Higher concept particularly during start-up would be welcome, at some point maybe Crowd Funding for a mini business to be able to offer courses.
The website is currently a very basic blogspot as this can be monetised - this whole process is also a teaching resource. In the background a much more sophisticated online presence is being created:- however for others starting out its quite cool to be able to do so without huge expense and as an example of the potential of how online sole trader work seeking goes, its quite a cool experiment. Wordpress is much more acceptable but the version cannot be monetised and is also being learnt.
The way around the timescales is to prioritise each day for each strand, and see which contracts are available as they arrive. Tuition may be viable at weekends or later evenings, ChildCare Over8s may not be every day, Virtual Assistant can be completed mornings and later evenings as and when etc etc.
For the Local Business and Tourism websites and twitter (more information later) Donations are welcome and also from anyone who wishes to support the Aim Higher concept particularly during start-up would be welcome, at some point maybe Crowd Funding for a mini business to be able to offer courses.
The website is currently a very basic blogspot as this can be monetised - this whole process is also a teaching resource. In the background a much more sophisticated online presence is being created:- however for others starting out its quite cool to be able to do so without huge expense and as an example of the potential of how online sole trader work seeking goes, its quite a cool experiment. Wordpress is much more acceptable but the version cannot be monetised and is also being learnt.
The way around the timescales is to prioritise each day for each strand, and see which contracts are available as they arrive. Tuition may be viable at weekends or later evenings, ChildCare Over8s may not be every day, Virtual Assistant can be completed mornings and later evenings as and when etc etc.
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