Focusing on Tuition in 2015-16 for the New A Level Linear Examinations in particular.
There's a 'real' website in progress!
There are lot's of online registrations with online agencies and other info and more evolving.
More importantly for students there is a resource wordpress and a twitter with Academic info - see for resources and student info. for Twitter for Facebook
All the info and links are in one place and included as posts on the bloglink below.
The web-blog one you are viewing is primarily for buying tuition AND the other strands of the small business such as Freelancing. (see the About Page)
The Tuition links are under QAAWyrd Tuition and focus mostly on the Nottingham, East Midlands, UK are but it is possible to have online tuition from any area.
5th September 2015
Consider this collection of web-blogs and online agency links and profiles as a kind of Personal Intranet (there is one at for various aspects of a small business.
There's an ongoing diary of how the small business is evovlving (with a click through link for how the big websites looked when they started - Facebook etc).
Of course bookmarks or bookmark websites would sufice and Peartrees is a particularly good one.
Pearltree bookmark collections can also be shared.
Pinterest Boards are cool, Bag It sites are cool, Flip Books and e-book creation sites are cool - Web Art collections, photo collections - you name it you can take it everywhere with one link.
The web-blog system however works best with older mobile phones and their displays.
More than one web-blog allows us to focus on different 'audiences' while a design for a 'real' website is decided upon.
A Rubric in the Middle Ages was a paragraph in an Illuminated Manuscript written in Red Ink to show it's importance.
Local College Update News:-
Locally the last of the two big City Colleges are merging - and redundancies may happen. Chances of Full-Part Time or Hourly work, other than Supply Contracts in Schools are less likely. Sept 2015. This is at a time when Students are expected to stay in Education to Age 18,
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